Hello! I wanted to let everyone know about a few things that have happened around the 'ol Sangha lately.
UUCG has lifted the masking voting system and dropped covid restrictions as they applied to our group (and most everything else). We no longer have to do the voting system - which for our group was the RSVP requirement and agreement with the mask optional policy - so you may attend at will! The only catch now is that we do still lock the doors at 6pm...you don't HAVE to RSVP (though it is extremely helpful) but you do need to arrive before 6 to enter the building.
I've updated our Facebook Group and Meetup and site, etc, to reflect the new changes, so hopefully we'll see lots of shiny new faces joining us soon!
Unfortunately, LiveStreaming on Facebook is currently having some problems so until further notice we will not be livestreaming. As soon as the technical issues are resolved livestreaming will return! In the meantime, I will post video within 24 hours on....
My new personal website! If you head over to ReverendGeorgeBeecher.com you can create a free account and access the "Sessions with Keoki" which is ALL of my recorded sessions going forward, including ours here.
These things are all good, with the exception of the pesky streaming issue. We look forward to seeing you drop in to visit us soon!
And as a final bit of news, we will be streaming tonight live into Virtual Reality for the first time ever (officially) as part of the Together with TRIPP community I work with for their 24 Hours of Meditation in The Metaverse! So join us there if you like! See you somewhere soon!
